I had success in the business world and then found myself building a church. I tried to apply the same business principles to bring success in God’s ministry, and it didn’t work. I found myself saying “there’s got to be a better way”. The Lord taught me through prayer that there is a different way to live life. Once I learned the key, it was like Miracle-Gro got poured out on every area of my life. Today I am a Prophet, Apostle, Author, Healer, Grandma, Mom, Wife, Businesswomen, and Senior Pastor.

My Story


The Word is literally meant to be a practical tool that we can use in our lives to get into agreement with what God is saying and see Him build it verses us striving to build it ourselves. Guys, this is God’s ‘life-hack’ that all Christians are meant to walk in. Yes, you get to see Him build successful things in your life without worry, stress, and fear, but it’s really an invitation of friendship from a kind Father that wants to spend time with his kids.

This is the way of living that God intended. We are fully alive and passionate in relationship with Christ, and we get to see Him build everything in our lives. His dream with us are way better and way bigger than our own. This is what it is about. An abundant heart and abundant life.

My Family

I am wife to my wonderful husband John, a mom of seven beautiful children, and a grandparent of 14.


I wanted to start the Fearless Mentorship Program because I felt it was time to give away everything I have learned through more than 25 years of suffering, mistakes, and prayer. I’ve learned wisdom sitting at the feet of Jesus that will help people fast track in life by living in the Kingdom.